When the plant begins commercial operations in 2020, it will convert approximately 175,000 tons of household garbage into more than 10.5 million gallons of fuel each year.
Jord’s scope comprises balance of plant for a steam driven gas compression train, a 500 tpd amine system for removal of H2S and CO2, a second gas treatment system for removal of NH3 and various piperacks and structures.
You surely have to go back to Marco Polo in the 13th century to find a journey as epic as this one. Jord chartered its own ship to transport all 2,500 tons of plant to site. The journey commenced at Jebel Ali port in the UAE. The ship berthed briefly in Malaysia to collect some air coolers before crossing the Pacific to Stockton Port, Los Angeles. Then the real fun started. 59 trucks, 19 of them police escorted, were driven a circuitous 1,500km route across three states to the site in Reno Nevada. Circuitous because the loads were too big to summit the Rocky Mountains.
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