Carbon neutral certification

Jord wishes to demonstrate its commitment to limiting its carbon footprint and maintaining a biologically diverse and sustainable planet.

Jord Novacell Brochure

Coarse and fine particle flotation in one device, with less energy and water consumption. Suitable for base metals, precious metals, coal and industrial minerals.

Jord Corporate Brochure

Jord designs, manufactures, commissions and services bespoke plant and systems for a wide range of industries in the energy and resource sectors.

Jord Power

Jord custom-designs, manufactures, commissions and services process plant for the power generation industry.

Jord Oil and Gas

Jord has served the power generation industry for over 45 years, with innovation, value and reliability.

Jord Resources

Jord custom-designs, manufactures, commissions and services process plant for minerals processing, coal, alumina, sugar and the many other resource industries.

Jord Sugar

Jord systems and technologies used in the sugar industry.

Jord Battery Minerals Processing Flyer

Delivering integrated process technology to meet
the demands of the global lithium battery market.

Quality Policy

Jord is committed to reliable design, manufacture, execution and supply of high quality process plant, equipment and services.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

At Jord, our commitment to the well-being and safety of our employees and partners in integral to the way we do business.

Environmental Management Policy

Jord is committed to being an industry leader in the championing of sustainable business practices including protection of the environment.

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