There is no vehicle access to this village. Visitors must hike for 2 hours along a dirt track (after an arduous 4 wheel drive trip). Families in this village of 1,000 must walk 2km just to collect water.
The project is a collaborative effort. The villagers provide labour and local materials such as sand and gravel. Surfaid and Jord will provide tanks, cement, piping and the technical expertise required to enable the works to be completed.
In time, Jord staff will have a chance to visit Nias, to provide first hand support to Surfaid. For those so inclined, there’s also an opportunity to find some remote, isolated surf breaks.
Visit www.surfaid.org to learn more about this fine organisation that Jord is delighted to support.
“Even today, some residents still live in tents provided by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Indeed, although money continues to dribble in, damaged government offices and school buildings remain unrepaired; and many of those who lost their means of livelihood are still struggling to find steady work.
There is so much still needing to be done that sometimes it can be overwhelming. On the other hand, it offers a great opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.
So what can be done? Health and sanitation projects, especially the provision of clean and safe drinking water through building artesian wells. Solar power to provide homes and streets with lighting. Computers and internet connectivity for schools to give students access to knowledge that a lot of others take for granted. Technological and financial support for projects like hydroponic and aquaculture, to provide families with sustainable and eco-friendly sources of livelihood. This will allow them to provide for their own needs, without relying on hand outs and the goodness of other people’s hearts.”
Jord thanks Jessie, for continuing to care and for helping to keep the flame of hope burning in others.
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