Jord Oil & Gas Systems b.v. is delighted to have played a part in delivering Yinson Production’s first FPSO to operate heat recovery steam generation (“HRSG”) as part of its combined cycle power generation system. This is part of Yinson’s continuous effort in reducing carbon emissions and being a frontrunner in decarbonising the FPSO industry towards the goal of net zero.

Jord’s scope entailed 10,000 tons of Topside Modules, including the power modules, comprising four Baker Hughes LM2500 dual fuel turbines and one steam turbine. The combined output is 145MW.

This is the second set of Topsides Jord has designed and constructed for Yinson, Both are for Petrobras fields offshore Brazil. The first (Anna Nery) commenced operation in May 2023. This latest FPSO, Maria Quiteria, is on route to Brazil.