An arid patch of ground some 1,500 km north-west of Brisbane hit global headlines in 2013, with the exciting re-discovery of the Night Parrot, a nocturnal ground dwelling parrot previously thought extinct. The previous living specimen was identified back in 1912.
The Night Parrot has since been placed on the list of 20 priority bird species, as part of the Federal Government’s Threatened Species Strategy. In 2016, Bush Heritage jumped at the chance to help nurture the species survival, acquiring the property where the discovery was made and establishing the Pullen Pullen Reserve. Traditional owners of this 56,000 ha land are the Maiawali people.
In 2020, Jord in turn is delighted to participate, with agreement to contribute $150,000 and associated pro-bono hours from interested staff, towards the establishment of an Arid Zone Conservation Base on the property. This facility will provide accommodation and storage infrastructure to facilitate land management and research activities on the reserve.
Included in this scope is the supply and installation of a 14.5kW solar RAP station.