Despite the Covid-19 global pandemic, efforts are underway to commission the 90MW Lekhwair combined cycle power plant (CCPP) for PDO Oman. Jord’s scope comprises an Air-Cooled Condenser and an 11-module fuel gas treatment and delivery plant. It has been a technical triumph. This was not your average power plant. There were literally thousands of pages of specifications, Shell DEP amongst them, all tailored to oil & gas service rather than power service. and all interpreted differently, by owner consultants and other interested parties.

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Century makers
Four more names have been etched into Jord’s 10 year service honour board. This brings the total of men and women, past and present, who have worked more than 10 years at Jord to over 100.
Ganesh Chaturthi
We’re an agnostic company, supportive of and curious about all peace-loving beliefs, religions and ideas.
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Mechanical completion milestone reached for battery chemical crystallisation plant