NovaCell™ is a breakthrough in flotation equipment technology and provides efficient coarse and fine particle flotation for Coarse Particle Flotation (CPF) circuits
The novel design supports the growth of the critical minerals sector, by providing innovative, sustainable technology that achieves the following outcomes:
• Lower Energy Consumption – The NovaCell™ can process coarse feed material, reducing the energy consumption by up to 30% in comminution circuits. Mineralogy indicates that the NovaCell™ can recover valuable particles with <10% mineral surface liberation.
• Improved Recoveries – The NovaCell™ produces efficient recoveries across a wider particle size range than mechanical flotation cells. The particles recovered to the product streams are also high in valuable mineral content, confirming the selective recovery.
• Reduced Environmental Impact – The NovaCell™ produces a coarse tail suitable for dry disposal, enabling the use of modern tailing management strategies such as dry stacking. It also uses a recycle stream to fluidise the bed, reducing its water consumption.
• Lower Capital Investment – The NovaCell™ circuit is simple to implement, maintain and control. It can treat the full process flow, with no need for an upfront fines removal plant.
Technical Details
• Capacity 60 – 1000 tph (dry) solids
• Typical particle size range 5 – 800 µm
• Downcomer capacity Up to 360 m3/h
• Feed Density 25 – 40% solids (w/w)
• Air-to-pulp ratio 0.6 – 1.2
• Mass Rejection 50 – 90%
• Froth Level Up to 0.4 m
NovaCell™ was developed by Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson and exclusively available through Jord International.
For more information Email Sherwin Morgan smorgan@jord.com.au or call +61467061121, or email Shaun Wait swait@jord.com.au and call +61418582776.
Download the NovaCell™ MetPlant paper (co-authored with Capstone Copper) to discover the technology benefits at a porphyry copper mine
Download the NovaCell IMPC paper to learn about three case studies where this novel technology supported the growing demand for copper production
Download the NovaCell™ Brochure for a copy of testwork results and detailed benefits.
NovaCell™ applications
• Pre-Concentration – By maintaining high valuable mineral recoveries at coarse grind sizes, the NovaCell™ can be used in wet pre-concentration duties. The objectives are to lower ore cut-off grades, reduce carbon emissions associated with material handling and utilise the rejected waste for paste back-fill.
• Waste (Gangue) Rejection – Similarly, by achieving high valuable mineral recoveries at coarse grind sizes, the NovaCell™ can be used to reject waste before secondary milling. The objectives are to enable higher throughput rates or reduce energy consumption in comminution circuits, and promote dry disposal of tailings.
• Coarse Flotation – By maintaining high recovery efficiencies across a wider particle size range, the NovaCell™ can be used in rougher / scavenger duties in flotation circuits. The objectives are to enable higher throughput rates or reduce energy consumption in comminution circuits, and promote dry disposal of tailings.
• Tailings Scavenging – By recovering coarse and fine valuable particles typically lost by mechanical flotation cells, the NovaCell™ can be used for tailings scavenging. The objectives are to improve plant revenues and produce a ‘cleaner’ tailing with less acid-generating potential for disposal.
NovaCell™ Results
The NovaCell™ technology has produced high recoveries at coarse grind sizes for coal, copper, lithium and potash ore bodies. Presented below are results from CPF studies, where the NovaCell™ produced copper recoveries ranging from 87 – 97%.
Studies to compare the NovaCell™ to mechanical flotation cells indicated that the NovaCell™ achieved significantly higher recoveries, especially in the coarser size fractions. Presented below is size-by-size chalcopyrite recovery for plant mechanical flotation cells, laboratory mechanical float cell, and the NovaCell™ at Pinto Valley Mine in Arizona, USA.
FKT – refers to “Full Kinetics Test”. It is a laboratory mechanical float test, developed by AMinpro to minimises coarse particle losses in the froth zone.
Testing Capabilities
Jord can offer both NovaCell™ small-scale and pilot-scale test rigs for conceptual and pre-feasibility engineering studies. The small-scale test rigs are located in commercial laboratories, and the work is completed under Jord’s guidance.
The pilot-scale rig is supplied by Jord and is designed to be contained in 20-foot shipping containers for ease of transport to operating mines. The pilot rig includes a classification circuit, tanks, pumps and is supplied with an integrated PLC system.
NovaCell™ small-scale test rig (left) and NovaCell™ pilot-scale test rig (right)
NovaCell™ Full-scale Plant
Jord has 50 years of experience in design, manufacture, and installation of process plants. We can deliver the NovaCell™ technology as equipment supply or as a full turn-key solution, depending on your requirements.
NovaCell plant – design, engineering and procurement by Jord
This solution is EcoLogic and is part of Jord’s sustainable product offering. It offers significant energy efficiencies and water savings.
Click here to learn about Jord International’s range of mineral beneficiation technologies.