Jord is a privately-owned, international company that is fast approaching five decades of steady, organic growth, serving our customers with innovation, value and reliability.
Jord designs, manufactures, commissions and services process plant for a range of industries that expect innovation, value and reliability as they transition to digital and sustainable.
Jord provides the services that customers need before, during and after investment to ensure their process plant provides the value and reliability they expect.
Jord has an active Research and Development program, driven by an executive management committee tasked with identifying and prioritising where our funds and effort should be directed.
Jord has an active Research and Development program, driven by an executive management committee tasked with identifying and prioritising where our funds and effort should be directed.
Our current industrial engineering research priorities are focussed on new energy, enhanced minerals beneficiation and mine tailing solutions. For each of these, we are collaborating on two levels: firstly with industry end users, to ensure our efforts are in line with their needs; and secondly with universities, to tap into their wealth of talent and global contacts. We find this tri-partite alliance produces the best results for our clients.
Jord is continually undertaking laboratory bench-scale testing, for the mining industry in particular. This typically involves verifying plant suitability and sizing for various process streams.
Pilot plant studies are also routinely undertaken, most often filtration, pyro and evaporation/crystallization applications. This includes, where needed, designing and constructing a purpose-built pilot plant, to test and prove up a new process.
On a larger scale, Jord collaborates with clients to design and construct demonstration plants, as a final step in the plant proving process prior to full scale plant development.
Some of the more significant research projects Jord has been involved with include:
Acid heap leaching demonstration plant |
Indirect nickel slurry pre-heating demonstration plant |
Chemical looping pilot plant for energy storage and peak loading |
Battery materials enhancement |
Tailings to Topsoil |