DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION.  Jord’s core business is greenfield related; the custom design and construction of process plant and systems. Project delivery may be via a turnkey EPC/EPCM model, or as a modular system or bespoke capital plant.  For these projects, we seek early engagement with our customer. This provides an opportunity to work collaboratively, to minimize plant footprint and/or utility consumption, improve plant layout and operability, or modularize plant to keep site erection costs to a minimum.

AFTERMARKET AND RELIABILITY.  With much of Jord’s process plant and systems now well into multiple decades of service, Jord is being increasingly engaged to consider asset enhancement and integrity challenges. The service we offer here leans towards detailed studies that seek to increase plant throughput or product purity, overcome operational risks (e.g. noise, vibration, erosion, corrosion) or comply with latest safety or environmental regulations.  We get immense pleasure out of these projects that extend the life and enhance the value of our process plant and systems.

NEW TECHNOLOGY.  Jord has an active Research and Development program, driven by an executive management committee tasked with identifying and prioritising where our funds and effort should be directed. Current research priorities are focussed on new energy sources, enhanced minerals beneficiation and mine tailing solutions. For each of these, we are collaborating on two levels: firstly with industry end users, to ensure our efforts are in line with their needs; and secondly with universities, to tap into their wealth of talent and global contacts. We find this tri-partite alliance produces the best results for our customers.